Theory Of Relativity by Albert Einstein
The theory of relativity is being classified in two theories by Albert Einstein, one theory is by special relativity and the second theory is by general relativity that is called or known as Galilean relativity.
1. Special Relativity: Is a theory that was introduced in 1905 On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies by Albert Einstein. This theory is being said for the structure of space time.
Resultant theory consequences;
a. Time dilation
b. Length contraction
c. Relativity of simultaneity
d. Mass-energy equivalence
2. General Relativity: This theory is develop on 1907–1915 by Albert Einstein. General Relativity is a theory that being said as gravitation. The theory is based with equivalence principle, in which accelerated motion is being at rest in a gravitational field.
General relativity theory consequences;
a. Gravitational time dilation.
b. Orbits precess.
c. Rays of light are even.
d. Universe expand
e. Frame-dragging
Einstein General Theory of Relativity
tag: e mc2, e mc², general relativity, relativity, Einstein theory of relativity
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