"July 18 is not the End Of The World." Who can tell when will it happen?
There is a prediction saying that there will be a 8.1 magnitude earthquake on July 18 in the Philippines. A lot of email, blogs and news around the internet saying about the killer quake who predicted by Juseleeno Nobulega Daroose, a 47 years old professor in Brazil. Juseleeno Nobulega Daroose was born in 1960, Daroose started seeing the future when he was 9 years old. Some present him as Jucelino Nobrega da Luz.
Some Predictions of Juseleeno Nobulega Daroose:
The death of Princess Diana
The World Trade Attack in New York
Tsunami In Indonesia
September 13 earthquake with a 9.1 magnitude at Nanning, Hainan, China
What can we say? For me let us pray and be ready, true or not let us cross our fingers besides we always believe that no person can tell what will happens next. God Bless Us!
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July 18 Earthquake
FYI - Money And Nature
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